St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School
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S1 Science

Our Science course in S1 is designed to introduce pupils to the many ways in which Science is so important in our world today.

We learn about Energy, Body Systems,Chemical Reactions,Cells and Reproduction,Heat, Matter.

Each of our units is designed to give our young people opportunities to learn Scientific skills.

We use a folio approach to collect evidence of these skills as they journey through Science form S1 to S3. 

Most units also have a STEM insert to allow pupils to work in teams and use their skills to solve problems like:Heat Protection system on the X33 Space Shuttle, Stop the spread, Renewables..and many more.


S2 Science 

In S2, we continue to increase the breadth and challenge in our study of :Ecosystems, Forces,  Acids and Bases, Electricity ,Microbiology and Earth's Materials.
Assessment in Science-there will be a formative assessment at the end of each topic.
Assessment of skills is ongoing throughout each S1 and S2 topic and recorded in their folio record sheet which parents and carers are more than welcome  to see at any time.
Homework is given weekly.
Our S1 and S2 course also has a focus on Developing the Young Workforce(DYW) with our links in topics to careers in Science.