St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School
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Free Bus Travel for Under 22s – Baseline Travel Survey - 22/12/2021 10:11:14
Free Bus Travel for Under 22s – Baseline Travel Survey Dear Parents/Carers Do you have a child aged 5-16, or are you a young person aged 12-21? If so, please complete our short ... (Read more)
Christmas Fayre - 22/12/2021 10:10:23
There will be Wider Achievement a Christmas Fayre taking place on Wednesday 15th December in Mrs Anderson's room at Interval. There will be lots of goodies on sale including Irn Bru gift sets, homemade ... (Read more)
Non Uniform Day with Christmas Jumper - 13/12/2021 10:27:05
Non Uniform Day with Christmas Jumper Pupils can wear their own clothes with a Christmas jumper tomorrow - Friday 10th December. Pupils are able to donate £1 or tinned foods. All money & ... (Read more)
Supported Study Sessions 2021 - 07/10/2021 14:28:16
Please click here to read the latest version of the Supported Study timetable. ... (Read more)
Free Meal Update - 05/10/2021 14:23:17
Free Meal Update!! Dear Parents/Carers From Monday 4th October the free meal allowance will be increased to £2.80 a day. If your child is in receipt of a free meal they will now have £2.80 ... (Read more)
Young Carers Grant - 28/09/2021 15:31:32
Did you know that if you are 16, 17 or 18 years old and care for a parent, sibling or other person who is receiving PIP, DLA or Attendance Allowance , you may be entitled to the young Carers grant ... (Read more)
Test & Protect - 22/09/2021 - 22/09/2021 09:43:21
Dear Parents/Carers Please find the attached letter regarding Test & Protect. Click here to read the letter. ... (Read more)
Introduction to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils - 20/09/2021 08:20:05
Introduction to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils- Wednesday 29 September 2021 Want to know more about SDS career information, advice and guidance support ... (Read more)
Update from Professor Jason Leitch - 17/09/2021 09:00:11
Dear Parents/Carers Click here to read the letter from Scotland's Clinical Director, Professor Jason Leitch regarding the management of Covid-19 in educational establishments. ... (Read more)
Free School Meals - Additional Payment - 13/09/2021 15:35:24
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to read a letter from Maureen McKenna regarding an additional payment. It is not long until the schools break for the October holiday and I wanted to ... (Read more)
Test & Protect - Letter to Parents 03/09/21 - 03/09/2021 14:48:57
Dear Parents/Carers Please find the attached letter regarding Test & Protect. Click here to read the letter. ... (Read more)
Test & Protect - Letter to Parents - 27/08/2021 10:18:44
Dear Parents/Carers Please find the attached letter regarding Test & Protect. Click here to read the letter. ... (Read more)
Test & Protect - 20/08/2021 10:41:51
Dear Parents/Carers Please read the attached letter regarding Test & Protect at the school. Click here to read the letter. Thanks ... (Read more)
Pupil Return - 13/08/2021 13:58:37
Dear Parents/Carers We are looking forward to welcoming back our pupils on Monday 16th August. Please remember pupils must wear full uniform. This means no leggings or tracksuit bottoms. ... (Read more)
School Uniform 2021/2022 - 09/06/2021 09:27:25
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to find information on our school uniform for next session and click here to find information on blazers for the senior school. How to order your ... (Read more)
Financial Inclusion Support Officer - 07/06/2021 08:35:51
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to read the information on the Financial Inclusion Support Officer. ... (Read more)
School Uniform Reminder - 26/05/2021 17:46:10
Dear Parents/Carers A reminder that the school uniform is white shirt/school tie/black pullover or cardigan/black skirt or trousers/ Black school shoes. Please note leggings and tracksuits ... (Read more)
School Lunch Information - 17/05/2021 13:26:38
Dear Parents/Carers As we move towards the easing of some restrictions relating to Covid-19, we are pleased to let you know that we are resuming cash payments for lunches. Pupils can pay in ... (Read more)
Test & Protect - 14/05/2021 15:00:46
Dear Parents/Carers Please read the attached letter regarding Test & Protect at the school. Click here to read the letter. Thanks ... (Read more)
Letter from Maureen McKenna - 26/04/2021 09:52:45
Dear Parents/Carers Please find the attached letters to Parents/Carers and Pupils from Maureen McKenna regarding National Qualifications. Click here to read the parental letter Click ... (Read more)
Senior School Assessment Arrangements - 25/03/2021 12:08:04
Dear Parents/Carers Click here to read the letter from Mrs Wilson in regards to the assessment arrangements for our S4-S6 pupils. Below is also the internal assessment timetables of the ... (Read more)
Financial Inclusion Support Officer - 22/03/2021 14:58:41
Dear Parents/Carers If you are on a low Income and have children at school you may be entitled to financial support. For FREE ADVICE and additional information regarding your financial situation ... (Read more)
School In-service Days - 22/03/2021 14:55:01
Dear Parents/Carers Please take note of the new in-service days: Monday April 19th – secondary schools only Thursday May 6th – all schools and nurseries (election day) Tuesday ... (Read more)
Updated School Information & Timetable - 10/03/2021 11:25:50
Dear Parents/Carers/Pupils Please click here for the parental information regarding the new timetable for the next three weeks. Please click here to view the timetable for the next three ... (Read more)
Update From Maureen McKenna - 05/03/2021 09:19:30
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to read an update from Maureen McKenna regarding the return of pupils to Glasgow secondary schools. Thanks ... (Read more)
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to find updated information on free school meals ... (Read more)
Maureen McKenna Update - Secondary Schools - 18/02/2021 08:03:19
Dear Parents/Carers Click here to read the attached letter from Maureen McKenna regarding the return of some of the senior phase within their practical subjects. The letter also indicates voluntary ... (Read more)
Primary 7 Transitions - 03/02/2021 16:20:17
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to read Mrs Malley's letter regarding the information on the Primary 7 transitions. Thanks ... (Read more)
Maureen McKenna Update - Senior Phase Pupils - 01/02/2021 15:57:37
Dear Parents/Pupils Please click here to see the attached letter from Maureen McKenna regarding senior phase pupils and their education. ... (Read more)
Maureen McKenna Update - Inservice Day Change - 29/01/2021 09:47:33
Dear Parents / Carers Please click here to find the attached letter from Maureen McKenna regarding the scheduled inservice day in February. This will now take place on Monday 19th April. ... (Read more)
26th United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP26. - 21/01/2021 09:26:40
Dear Parents/Carers/Pupils Applications have opened for the volunteer programme for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP26. Anyone interested in volunteering at COP26 is ... (Read more)
Maureen McKenna Update - 22/12/2020 12:08:56
Dear Parents/Carers Please find two letters attached from Maureen McKenna. First letter is regarding the school arrangements for January 2021 and the other one is to the senior phase pupils. ... (Read more)
iPad Spot Checks - 03/12/2020 14:05:02
Dear Parents/Carers Following incidents of pupil misuse of iPads and breeches of Acceptable User conduct we are now implementing a spot check of pupil iPads by SLT & PT Digital Technologies. ... (Read more)
Top Up Grants Availability - 03/12/2020 13:51:03
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to read the letter from Maureen McKenna. The letter outlines funding from the Scottish Government for Local Authorities to use as additional top up grants ... (Read more)
Update from Maureen McKenna - 18/11/2020 18:12:34
Dear Parents/Carers Please Click here here to read a letter from Maureen McKenna regarding the new tier 4 restrictions for Glasgow City Council. ... (Read more)
Youth Health Centre - 11/11/2020 16:15:38
Dear Parents/Carers Please find attached the leaflet on the fantastic Youth Health Service for young people aged 12-19 held in 5 venues throughout Glasgow in the evening. Click here for more ... (Read more)
Supported Study Timetable - 06/11/2020 08:47:12
Dear Parents/Carers, A reminder to all S4-S6 pupils that the supported study classes will commence on Monday 9th November. These classes will run until the 14th December. Click here for the ... (Read more)
Test & Protect - 02/11/2020 14:47:57
Dear Parents/Carers, Please read the following letter regarding the Test & Protect contact tracing at St Margaret Mary's Secondary. Click here for the letter ... (Read more)
Update From Maureen McKenna - 23/10/2020 07:22:17
Dear Parents/Carers Please click here to view a letter from Maureen McKenna. ... (Read more)
Message from the Director of Public Health - 28/08/2020 07:34:28
Dear Parents/Carers, Please click here to read the attached letter from the Director of Public Health in regards to Covid-19 procedures. ... (Read more)
FACTS at Secondary School - 27/08/2020 14:40:27
Dear Parents/Carers FACTS at Secondary School Please click here to find the FACTS spoken about in news and social media. What does it mean for you? ... (Read more)
Return To School Information - August 2020 - 07/08/2020 12:44:23
Dear Parents/Carers, Please see click here to find the information that details your child's return dates to St Margaret Mary's Secondary School. The revised timetable can also be found ... (Read more)
Parental Survey - Distance / Blended Learning - 10/06/2020 08:00:58
Dear Parents/Carers, We have created a parental survey to gather your young persons experiences so far and inform how we progress with further distance learning towards a blended learning approach ... (Read more)
Clothing and Free School Meals - 04/06/2020 13:27:18
Dear Parents/Carers Please find the attached leaflet that details how to apply for free meals and clothing grants. If anyone needs any help to apply for them then please contact the school office. ... (Read more)
Remote Learning - Microsoft Team Codes - 23/03/2020 16:19:17
Dear Parents/Carers, As remote learning has come into effect the need for Microsoft Teams is extremely important as class teachers communicate and collaborate with the young people. Click ... (Read more)
Digital Learning - Parental Consultation - 12/11/2019 13:17:26
Dear Parents/Carers, As the school look to roll out iPads to the pupils, we would like to inform the parents/carers about our digital learning journey and how important it is for you to get involved ... (Read more)
Anti-Bullying Week - 11/11/2019 11:37:34
Dear Parents/Carers From Monday 11th November to Friday 15th November, St Margaret Mary's Secondary will participate in Anti-Bullying week. Subjects across the school will raise awareness of bullying. ... (Read more)
S1 Parents Evening - 21/10/2019 16:51:13
Dear Parent/Carer We would like to remind you of the S1 Parents Reporting Meeting on Wednesday 23rd October from 4-6pm. We look forward to seeing you there. ... (Read more)
Senior Phase Information Evening - 11/09/2019 12:25:59
Dear Parent/Carer We would like to invite you and your child to our Senior Phase Information Evening. The purpose of the evening is to provide information and support on the following: ... (Read more)
Gospel Values Survey - 10/09/2019 12:01:38
Dear Parents/Carers St Margaret Mary's Secondary would like to gather some information regarding your thoughts and experiences on the 8 Gospel Values. We would appreciate very much if you could ... (Read more)
Parent Council Meeting - 07/09/2019 11:58:59
Dear Parents/Carers, On Wednesday 11th September 2019 there will be the first Parent Council meeting at 6pm within the school. All current parents/carers are welcome Come along and join ... (Read more)
S1 Parents Open Afternoon - 26/08/2019 08:36:28
Dear parent/carer, On Tuesday 3 rd September 2019 at 2.30pm there is an opportunity for the parents of S1 pupils to meet with staff, followed by the celebration of Mass at 2.50pm. We hope ... (Read more)
School App Update - 25/08/2019 19:22:40
Dear Parents/Carers/Pupils The school app has been updated and as a consequence current and new users will have to re-download the app. The steps to download the app are: 1. Open Google Play ... (Read more)
Message from Police Scotland - 07/06/2019 14:47:16
Dear Parents/Carers, Antisocial Behaviour and Alcohol Consumption within Kelvingrove Park Glasgow City Council Neighbourhoods and Sustainability (NS), working alongside Police Scotland and ... (Read more)
Once a Week Take a Peek! - 07/06/2019 14:30:42
Dear Parents/Carers, Please continue to check for head lice. While head lice are nothing more than a nuisance, it is important that children are checked on a weekly basis so that any head lice can ... (Read more)
Once a Week Take a Peek! - 07/06/2019 14:26:03
Dear Parents/Carers, Please continue to check for head lice. While head lice are nothing more than a nuisance, it is important that children are checked on a weekly basis so that any head lice can ... (Read more)
New S4 - Exam Timetable - 14/05/2019 21:07:31
Dear Parents/Carers, Our new S4 pupils will sit exams in some subject areas on the week beginning Monday 3rd of June. These exams will be held in the school Oratory and will give the pupils the ... (Read more)
S1 Parents Evening - 14/05/2019 20:51:19
Dear Parents/Carers, We would like to invite you to the S1 Parents Evening on Wednesday 29th May from 4-6pm. We look forward to seeing you there. ... (Read more)
Digital Learning - 08/05/2019 09:33:20
Digital Learning Update 2019/2020 St Margaret Mary's Secondary, along with the other Glasgow schools will be undergoing an update to Digital Learning in session 2019/2020. This update has many ... (Read more)
Blackpool Trip - 26/04/2019 11:24:25
If any pupil in S1-S3 is interested in going on a trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach on Tuesday 25th June could they see Mrs McLaren. The cost of the trip is £30 and a £10 deposit is to be handed ... (Read more)
Easter Newsletter - 18/04/2019 15:46:10
Dear Parents/Carers, Please find attached St Margaret Mary's Easter Newsletter. The newsletter contains the wonderful work being carried out in St Margaret Mary's by our young people. We are proud ... (Read more)
Education Services Questionnaire - 18/04/2019 15:26:47
Parents/Carers, Could you take a moment to complete this Parental Involvement and Engagement questionnaire issued by Scottish Government to help find information about St Margaret Mary’s Secondary ... (Read more)
Ski Trip 2019 - 08/03/2018 23:41:19
Ski Trip 2019 St Margaret Mary's is hoping to run a ski trip to Alpe d’Huez, France in March 2019. The resort of Alpe d’Huez is one of the top locations for school ski groups. The wide range ... (Read more)
Manchester trip - 06/03/2018 15:37:59
On Saturday the 24 th of February my school went to Manchester. As we arrived in Manchester we went straight to the Etihad stadium the home of Manchester city. We went for ... (Read more)
S5/6 Prelim - 15/12/2017 10:32:21
Good luck to all S5/S6 pupils with their revision for the prelim exams which begin on Monday 15 th January 2018. The timetable for these exams has now been issued. Spare copies available from Mrs ... (Read more)
New School App launched - 15/12/2017 10:25:56
New school app launched today - download from Google Play or App Store! ... (Read more)
PE Department newsletter - 06/11/2017 16:07:47
Read some of the successes from his term so far in the PE Department newsletter ... (Read more)
PE Department Extra Curricular Timetable - 06/11/2017 16:04:32
There are currently lots of extra curricular activites running in PE at the moment. ... (Read more)
S3 History Trip - 04/09/2017 09:36:39
This week the S3 history National class went on a trip to reconstructed WW1 trenches at Pollok Park. We learned about the experience of soliders in the trenches. Jay McDonald S3 ... (Read more)
S2 STEM visit to Royal Air Show - 28/08/2017 19:25:02
S2 boys great learning experience at Royal Air Show at Prestwick Airport ... (Read more)
Mr Brady's Retirement - 27/06/2017 12:29:47
St Margaret Mary's staff and pupils wish Mr Brady a happy retirement. Thanks for your contribution to the school and community over the past six years. Thanks to Father Wallace for a lovely Mass. ... (Read more)
College opportunity - 26/06/2017 15:29:14
Kelvin College Education Support Assistance Course If interested, please contact the college directly as stated on the flyer. Click here for details ... (Read more)
Uniform - 13/06/2017 16:21:09
School uniform has always been strongly supported by the young people and their families in St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School. Two years ago we re-introduced the school blazer which was a major success ... (Read more)
S2 STEM event - 07/06/2017 22:38:33
S2 girls visted Glasgow Caledonian University where they were involved in a number of workshops. These workshops enabled the pupils to make connections with employers and ask important questions about ... (Read more)
S6 Caritas Rich man/Poor man Lunch - 17/03/2017 11:32:45
The S6 Caritas group organised a rich/man poor man lunch this week - staff and pupils took part in alunch were the luck of the draw saw you in the rich or poor perecentage of the world's population ... (Read more)
Caritas Christmas Boxes - 21/12/2016 11:49:52
On the Monday 19 th December we packed and distributed 84 Christmas Parcels which were distributed to elderly people and families throughout Castlemilk. Many thanks to S6 and S3 pupils involved ... (Read more)
Caritas at Christmas event. - 19/12/2016 09:52:43
Christmas plant made by S1 to make up part of the pack of gifts going out with the Chritmas parcels. Gifts were made from most subjects across the school! ... (Read more)
S5/S6 Study Weekend - 16/12/2016 15:16:15
S5/S6 Study Weekend ... (Read more)
Uniform - 13/10/2016 15:48:41
Pupils at St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School have always had a strong tradition of wearing school uniform. As always I am grateful to the families who support the school by ensuring uniform is worn. ... (Read more)
October Holiday - 13/10/2016 15:47:42
October Holiday/In-service Day Friday 14 th October is an In-service Day for staff and therefore a holiday for pupils. The October break takes place from Monday 17 th October to Friday ... (Read more)
Parent Council - 01/09/2016 13:38:17
Parent Council The next meeting of our Parent Council is scheduled for Tuesday 25 th October, starting at 6pm in the school. All parents/carers are welcome. ... (Read more)
Out of School Childcare Survey - 26/08/2016 11:02:38
Glasgow City Council are currently seeking the views of parents and carers on our current out of school childcare provision for children aged four to sixteen years. All of the information ... (Read more)
S2 and S3 Girls visit Careers Event at University - 22/06/2016 11:55:50
A group of girls from S2 and S3 visited Caledonian University this week to explore the benefits of a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as part of the university’s SmartSTEM ... (Read more)
S1/2 Sports Day - 31/05/2016 16:05:39
S1/2 Sports Day Well done to all the pupils and staff involved in todays Sports Day. Congratulations to S1 winners, 1B and S2 winners, 2A! ... (Read more)
S2 STEM Careers Networking - 17/05/2016 15:17:17
S2 pupils took part in a STEM careers networking morning. Many thanks to the representatives from BAE Systems, ACCESS, EDF Energy and the NHS who took the time to come out to speak to pupils. The pupils ... (Read more)
S1 Retreat - 17/05/2016 15:13:07
S1 Pupils have succesfully completed their annual retreat ... (Read more)
S1 Windfarm Visit - 27/04/2016 10:19:16
1P2 and 1P4 recently visited Whitelee Windfarm in Eaglesham. Pupils all thoroughly enjoyed their visit. taking part in a wind turbine workshop and getting the chance to walk out and take a close look ... (Read more)
S1 Maths Challenge - 26/02/2016 14:33:37
Overdue photos of a fun-filled Maths Christmas Challenge are in the gallery section now! ... (Read more)
Join Scotland’s iRights Youth Commission - 25/11/2015 10:10:27
Join Scotland’s iRights Youth Commission The Project Do you think your digital world could be a better place for you and your friends? Do you want to be part of something which ... (Read more)
Newcastle-Liverpool trip - 23/11/2015 20:16:58
Photographs from trip to Newcastle on Sunday December 6th are now in Gallery section. ... (Read more)
U/14 football - 19/11/2015 16:09:24
Disappinting 3-2 defeat gainst Rosshall Academy on Thursday 26/11/15 after leading 2-0 with ten minutes left. Goals from Lennon Mulligan and Kian McIllroy. Previous game a great 4-2 victory against ... (Read more)
ICAS Glasgow Schools Event 27th October 2015 - 29/10/2015 15:22:14
One hundred and fifty young people from all over Glasgow, with an interest in a career in accountancy or finance, attended an information and workshop event run by ICAS. Ainsleigh Buckley was there ... (Read more)
Awards Ceremony - 09/10/2015 14:39:34
Congratulations to all award winners at the annual prize giving on Thursday 8th October ... (Read more)
S1 Science Visit - 06/05/2015 15:18:16
S1 classes recently visited Whitelee’s Windfarm, near Eaglesham, organised by Mrs Cruden in the Science Department. Pupils had the chance to take part in a workshop where they designed their ... (Read more)
Careers’ Carousel - 02/04/2015 11:55:33
Almost 50 pupils from St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School in Castlemilk took part in an innovative career’s event, organised by the school’s Modern Languages department. ... (Read more)
Get Moving competition - 18/03/2015 11:37:02
Want to Get Moving this year? @MyWorldofWork and @YoungScot are giving you the chance to win £1000 in travel prizes. Enter here: ... (Read more)
Happy Pi Day - 13/03/2015 14:58:41
See the Maths page for the full story.... ... (Read more)
Staff Coffee Morning - 02/03/2015 12:12:45
There was a sucessful coffee morning held on Thursday 19th March organised by the Personal Development class. It was well attended by staff from both schools and it raised over £100 for Alzheimer ... (Read more)
S2 Outdoor Bound Trip - 02/03/2015 12:09:13
There was a trip on the 9 th March to Loch Eil for 24 S2 Pupils. There arephotographs are in the gallery section from that trip. There will be a 2nd group of S2 pupils to attend from May 11th to ... (Read more)
Alton Towers - 02/03/2015 11:55:40
The trip to Alton Towers in in June The first payment is due to Mr Gallagher now. ... (Read more)
Coffee Morning&Yorkhill Fundraising - 02/03/2015 11:38:26
Earlier in the year a few of Mr McIntosh’s personal development planned a Charity Coffee morning for Yorkhill Charity, for staff. It was a fun experience. We first emailed Yorkhill telling ... (Read more)