St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School
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Department Twitter Accounts

St Margaret Mary's Secondary are proud to share the positive experiences within the classroom. Below are the departmental Twitter accounts of each of our subjects. Ensure you follow them on Twitter to receive the most recent information. 

Admin & IT - @StMM_Computing Geography - SMMGeography Physical Education - @StMargaretM_PE
Art & Design - @StMargaretMary4 Home Economics -  Physics - @StmmScienceTech
Computing Science - @StMM_Computing Mathematics & Numeracy Pupil Support - @StMMPupilSupp
Drama - @StMargaretMary4 Modern Studies - @ModsSMMS Religious Education - @StMargaretM_RE
English - @StMM_English Music - @StMargaretMary4 Youth Worker - @MichaelStMMsYW
History - @SocialStmms Pastoral Care - @StMMPC Wider Achievement - @StmmssWA
Developing Young Workforce - @DYWSMM Raising Attainment -  @stmarg_marysML
P7-S1 Transition - @P7S1Transition