Dear S2 Parents/Carers
A reminder of all important dates. We hope to see you there.
Wednesday 29th January - S2 Parents Information Evening for S3 Option Choices, 5pm start
Friday 31st January - S2 Tracking Reports issued to Parents
Thursday 6th February - S2 Parents Evening, 4-6pm
We hope to see you there.
Thank you.
Christmas Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to access our Christmas newsletter and see all the wonderful things that has happened within our school during the term.
We would also like to take the time to thank all parents/carers and pupils for their support. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a great New Year.
We look forward welcoming the pupils back on Monday, 6 January 2025.

St Margaret Mary's Secondary Standards and Quality Report
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to view the Standards and Quality Report for St Margaret Mary's Secondary School.
Thank you
Important - Burst Water Main
Dear Parents/Carers
An announcement from Education Support:
We are aware of the situation with a burst water main in the local area which may impact our school. At this time we are not anticipating a closure. We will update you if anything changes.
St Margaret Mary's Secondary School
P.E Kit - Footwear
Dear Parents/Carers
A number of pupils are wearing crocks to school and want to participate in them during PE. Crocks are not acceptable footwear when participating in P.E.
If pupils do not have the appropriate footwear they will be offered trainers to participate in the activities within the P.E Department.
SQA Exams & HOT Housing Timetable
Dear Parent/Carer
Click here for the full SQA exam timetable.
There will also be HOT Housing sessions for different subjects. Click here for HOT Housing Timetable.
S4-S6 Study Leave
Dear Parents/Carers
All S4 and S5 pupils will begin their SQA study leave from 08:50am on Thursday 18th April.
We wish all of our young people the very best of luck in their examinations.
In-service Day - Date Change - IMPORTANT UPDATE
Dear Parents/Carers
The May in-service day was arranged to take place on the 2nd of May to coincide with a possible General Election. However, the date has now passed for the election to be called on the 2nd of May. As a result, the in-service day will be moved to Friday the 3rd of May.
If you have any questions please contact the school office.
Thank you.
Parent/Carer Digital Survey
Dear Parents/Carers
Could you take 5 minutes of your time to complete the Glasgow City Council's Digital Survey. The link is posted below:
Thank you.
Library Opening Times
The library will be open for all S1-A6 pupils on a Monday & Thursday lunch time.
This will provide a quiet space for pupils to complete homework or independent study.
S2 - Important Dates
Dear S2 Parents/Carers
A reminder of all important dates. We hope to see you there.
Week Beginning 22nd January - S2 Tracking Reports issued to Parents
Wednesday 24th January - S2 Parents Information Evening for S3 Option Choices, 6pm start
Thursday 1st February - S2 Parents Evening, 4-6pm
S4-S6 Prelim Timetable
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to find the Prelim Timetable for December 2023 - January 2024.
If you have any questions regarding the timetable please contact the school office.
Thank you.
S4-S6 Supported Study Timetable
Dear Parents/Carers,
A reminder to all S4-S6 pupils that the supported study classes will commence on Monday 2nd October.
If you have any questions regarding the timetable see Miss Speirs in the PE Department.

Strike Communications - Nurseries, Primaries, Secondaries and ASL schools closed due to Industrial Action 26, 27th, 28th September 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to read the communication from Douglas Hutchison regarding Industrial Action on the 26th, 27th and 28th September.
Fuel Zone Information
Week 1 & Week 2 - Halal menu
Week 1 & Week 2 - Secondary menu
Pupil Return - 16th August
Dear Parents/Carers
We're looking forward to welcoming our young people back to school tomorrow at 8.50am.
Don't forget to charge and update your iPad.
If pupils need their iPads charged see the school office or Mr Paterson in the Computing department.
Grease Performance Wednesday 14th June - SOLD OUT!
Dear Parents/Carers
We are now SOLD OUT for tonight's performance of Grease. There will be no availability to buy tickets at the door.
Door's open at 6:30pm. Curtain raised at 7pm.
We still have tickets available for Thursday's performance. Please contact the school office if you would like to purchase a ticket.
Thank you.
SQA Examinations
SQA examinations begin on Monday 24th April. Click here for the full SQA exam timetable.
There will also be HOT Housing sessions for different subjects. Click here for HOT Housing Timetable.
St Margaret Mary's Secondary Diamond Jubilee
Dear Parent/Carer
We invite you to our Diamond Jubilee Mass on Thursday 30th March at St Margaret Mary's RC Church.
We hope that you join us whilst we celebrate this occasion.
Click here for invitation.
Scottish Apprenticeship Week - Parent and Pupil Webinar
Join Skills Development Scotland in our webinar for senior pupils, parents and careers on ‘How to apply for a Scottish Apprenticeships’ as part of #ScotAppWeek23.
Find out about apprenticeships and get tips on the application process.
Sign up
Parent and Carer national webinar for 22/23: How to have meaningful career conversations
Thursday 23rd March, 6:30pm
Parents and carers can join this webinar to hear about the value and benefits of having career conversations and get some practical hints and tips on how to approach these. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions.
Parents and carers can register for our session here:
School Closures - Tuesday 28th February / Wednesday 1st March
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to read a letter from Douglas Hutchison regarding the upcoming school closures on the:
- Tuesday 28 February
- Wednesday 1 March
Survey - The Autism Resource Centre
Dear Carer and parent,
A group from Health, Social Work, Carers Service and Education are involved in the review of The Autism Resource Centre.
At this stage of the process we are really keen to hear about the experiences of families who have or may wish to access support related to autism so have created this smart survey –
The closing date for the smart survey is 10th of February 2023.
I am sharing with families that may be keen to access or have experience of accessing support relating to autism.
E M Seery
Strike Communication - Update 05/01/2023
Dear Parent/Carer
Please click here to read the latest information regarding the potential school closures due to ongoing industrial action – 10, 11 & 16 January 2023.
Strike Action - Impact On Prelim Exams
Dear Parent/Carer
As you are aware industrial action is planned on Wednesday 11th January and Monday 16th January 2023.
It is very likely that these strikes will go ahead and that the school will be closed on both dates, this will impact on our Senior Phase Prelim Exams.
As a consequence all prelim exams planned for Wednesday 11th January ( N5 Maths & H Maths , H Music Technology) will therefore be rescheduled to Monday 23rd January and those exams planned for Monday 16th January ( H Admin, N5 & H Computing, N5 & H Drama, H Photography & N5 Health and Food Technology) will be moved to Tuesday 24th January. There will be no change to the start and finish times of these exams. All S4-S6 pupils will now return to their timetabled classes on Wednesday 25th January.
This decision to move these exam dates has been taken today to ensure firstly that all of our senior pupils are aware of their prelim exam dates well in advance and are not impacted negatively in any way and to secondly provide clarity for all of our young people, staff and parents and carers.
We wish all of our young people every success in their prelim exams. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Wilson.
As always many thanks for your ongoing support. We wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas.
Strike Communication
Dear Parent/Carer
Please click here to read the information regarding the potential school closures due to ongoing industrial action – 10, 11 & 16 January 2023.
Festive Services Directory
Dear Parent/Carer
Click here for a list of festive services provided by the Glasgow Council Volunteer Sector (GCVS). The list of services range from food parcel, hot meals, warm spaces and festive entertainment along with help lines to call. There are different organisations across Glasgow that are available to help.
School Plans for industrial action - Wednesday 7th December 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Your young person should have a letter from Mrs Seery outlining the bespoke plans and change of timetable for Wednesday 7th December. If you do not have a copy of the letter then please click here to see the alternative timetable.
Thank you.
Potential school closures due to industrial action – Wednesday 7 December 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
Please click here to read a letter from Douglas Hutchison regarding possible school closures.
Further details will be released today regarding the situation at St Margaret Mary's Secondary.
Thank you.
Senior Phase Prelim Timetable
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to find the updated Prelim timetable the Senior Phase pupils. Thank You.
School closures due to industrial action: Thursday 24 November 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to find the attached letter from the Executive Director of Education Douglas Hutchison regarding primary, secondary and ASL schools being closed on Thursday 24th November 2022.
Thank you.
Late Coming Catch Up
Dear Parents/Carers
After the October break we will be bringing back our 'Late Coming Catch Up' i.e. if pupils arrive after 9am they will spend interval catching up on missed work.
If you have any questions please contact the school office.
Bank Holiday - Monday 19th September
Dear Parents/Carers
You will have heard by now that the Queen’s funeral takes place on Monday 19th September and it has been confirmed that it is a Bank Holiday.
All schools and Council nurseries will be closed on Monday to mark the occasion of Her Majesty’s funeral.
Thank you
Industrial Action - Suspended!
The industrial action planned for next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday has been suspended.
This means that all our nurseries, primaries, ASL and secondary schools will open as normal on these days.
Industrial Action - Primary, ASL schools and nurseries
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to view the information regarding the latest industrial action to take place on 6th, 7th, 8th September 2022.
It is with regret that I must advise you that strike action has been notified for Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th September and the impact means that our primary, ASL schools and nurseries will be closed on these days and then open again on Friday 9th September.
Parent Portal June 2022 Update
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to read the information from Douglas Hutchison, the Director of Education.
The information contains vital information on:
- Services provided by Parent Portal
- How to use it with YouTube videos to assist
- How to create a 'MyGov Account'
If you have any concerns please contact the school office.
Thank you
Parent Portal Information
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to find information on the new Parent Portal System that will be implemented within the school.
If you have any further questions then please contact the school office.
Parental Survey
Dear Parents/Carers
In order to ensure that the Scottish Government and local authorities are meeting the commitments made in the National Action Plan we need to gather the opinions and feedback of parents to evaluate the progress we are making.
The parental involvement and engagement census will help us with this evaluation, providing the information that both national and local government need to assess the progress of the work currently being undertaken and to identify areas for further improvement based on the direct feedback of parents.
To provide feedback on your child's school, please complete the PIE Census survey
Thank you for your time.
School Uniform
Dear Parents/Carers
As we recover, we will return to full school uniform.
Please click here for clarification on school uniform.
Pupils in St Margaret Mary’s should come to school each day in uniform. The school hoodie is now part of your P.E kit and not your school uniform.
Exam Information
Please click here to find information and key points on the upcoming exams.
We wish all pupils the very best of luck.
S2 Parents Options Information Evening
Our S2 Parents Options Information Evening will take place in school on Wednesday 9th February at 6pm. All COVID safety mitigations will be followed. We hope to see you there.
Information from Test & Protect
Dear Parents/Carers
Please click here to read the letter from the Test & Protect regarding COVID-19 asymptomatic testing programme for school/ELC staff and pupils.
