St Margaret Mary's Secondary are proud to share the positive experiences within the classroom. Below are the departmental Twitter accounts of each of our subjects. Ensure you follow them on Twitter to receive the most recent information.

Admin & IT - @StMM_Computing |
Geography - SMMGeography |
Physical Education - @StMargaretM_PE |
Art & Design - @StMargaretMary4 |
Home Economics - |
Physics - @StmmScienceTech |
Computing Science - @StMM_Computing |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Pupil Support - @StMMPupilSupp |
Drama - @StMargaretMary4 |
Modern Studies - @ModsSMMS |
Religious Education - @StMargaretM_RE |
English - @StMM_English |
Music - @StMargaretMary4 |
Youth Worker - @MichaelStMMsYW |
History - @SocialStmms |
Pastoral Care - @StMMPC |
Wider Achievement - @StmmssWA |
Developing Young Workforce - @DYWSMM |
Raising Attainment - |
@stmarg_marysML |
P7-S1 Transition - @P7S1Transition |