St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School
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Mathematics & Numeracy
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Mathematics & Numeracy

Welcome to the Maths department


Mrs Mallon (FH)

Mr Fullarton

Ms Russell

Mr Asif

Our Maths department strives to raise the profile of maths and highlight its importance in all aspects of our daily lives. We encourage pupils to see maths positively and for everyone to experience the benefits, joy and beauty of maths in exciting new ways.

In Mathematics, pupils work at their appropriate level in both the broad general education (BGE) and National Qualification. Teaching is done through varying learning activities including the whole class, group and individual lessons.


Classes are working in 3 different groups. The red group, the blue group and the green group. The red group work at 3rd/4th level, the blue group work at 2nd/3rd level and the green group work at 1st/2nd level. Pupils progress through 6 blocks of work and have the opportunity to move between groups depending on performance. There is a summative assessment at the end of each block and lots of activities to keep our young people engaged.

S3-S4 National courses

Classes progress from the BGE to the National courses; National 2, National 3, National 4 and National 5.

S5 – S6 National and Higher Courses

Classes continue to progress through national courses or move on to the higher courses.


Homework is issued per topic and the department are now using Sumdog (online maths games) as informal homework for S1-S3. If your child fails to complete homework you will be notified by text or letter.