Department of Modern Languages
Ms F Alexander (PTPC)
Miss. L Campbell
Ms. E Steeples
Aims of the Department
- To provide the fullest and most appropriate curriculum to all our young people.
- To implement and review courses in line with the needs and demands of our young people with a view to increasing motivation and improving attainment levels.
- To help our young people acquire language skills, an awareness of language structure and an appreciation of other cultures.
- To provide an environment which is conducive to the highest quality of teaching and learning of the foreign language.
- To promote a positive work ethos and encourage pupils to take an active role in their own learning.
- To contribute to the personal, social and spiritual development of our young people.
The department offers a broad, balanced curriculum that has been designed following national guidelines.
S1/S2 : 5-14 Spanish course, continuing input from Primary
S3/S4 : Standard Grade and Access Spanish
S5/S6 : Higher Still courses.
Learning and Teaching
The Department employs a variety of methodologies and resources to ensure that our pupils have the best possible learning experience. TFEL strategies are used in classes and staff use ICT to enhance teaching and learning. Pupils are encouraged to become actively involved in their own learning and have the opportunity to work independently, in pairs and in groups. We share the purpose of lessons with learners and tasks and activities are well planned. We aim to produce learners who are successful, confident and responsible.
Support for pupils
Our tasks, activities and resources provide support and challenge as appropriate. The pace of learning is carefully planned and maintained via schemes of work. We identify and review learners’ needs as well as involving our pupils in setting their own targets for learning.
Some pupils are supported by classroom assistants.
Supported study is offered as well as study workshops to help pupils prepare for examinations.
Gospel values such as tolerance, understanding, respect, dignity and kindness are central to the whole school and this is reinforced in the Modern Languages Department. We promote achievement and attainment and have high expectations of our pupils. Our Assertive Discipline strategies are implemented across the department. We strive to motivate our pupils with valued, well earned praise.
Accommodation and Resources
The department has 3 members of staff, including a newly qualified teacher and a foreign language assistant. Classrooms are equipped with Smartboards and Coomber CDs as well as sets of textbooks which are shared amongst classes.
A variety of materials are available in the shared area, including ¡Listos electrónico !
Management , Leadership and quality Assurance
The Modern Languages department shares and supports the vision, values and aims of our school.
A collegiate approach is encouraged in the ML team where good practice is shared and valued.
The department has an ethos of continuous improvement and our work is regularly reviewed to identify areas of improvement through self-evaluation.
Attainment in S1/2 is measured through 5-14 Confirmatory Assessments* Both formative and summative strategies are implemented. Attainment in S3-6 is measured through summative and formative tests in all 4 skill areas of Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening, Prelim examination results and STACS analysis.
In Higher Still courses, pupils are assessed for unit awards via NABS, there is also a speaking test which takes place in Feb/March.
Following assessment, an analysis of results is undertaken by the Department to identify pupil progress. Self and peer assessment also take place across the department.
*(Awaiting revised materials from Adviser, due October 2008)