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Modern Studies Department
Mrs L. Walker
The purpose of Modern Studies is to develop and broaden pupils’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of key social, economic and political issues they will meet in their lives. Pupils will study issues at local, Scottish, United Kingdom and International level.
Modern Studies pupils become more informed individuals who are able to participate effectively in society in a tolerant and responsible manner.
The main aims of Modern Studies are to enable learners to:
- learn as informed members of society and local and global citizens
- have an appreciation of the modern world continues to change, and will continue to do so in the future
- understand the importance of human and legal rights and responsibilities
- understand the democratic process and how governments decisions effect all our daily lives
- learn how we can all participate in decision making at a local and national level
- be aware of the nature and processes of conflict resolution at all levels
The skills that pupils will develop throughout their time in the department are valuable for further education and employment. These include research skills, ICT skills, making and justifying decisions and learning how to analyse information to draw conclusions.
We offer many different levels from Broad General Education, National 3, National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
In S1 pupils complete two units of work: China and underdevelopment in Africa
In S2 pupils complete a further two units of work: Human Rights and Terrorism
In S5/S6 pupils have the opportunity to study Nat 5 or Higher Modern Studies where they will study the following units of work:
1. Social Issues in the UK
2. World Powers
3. Democracy in Scotland
Possible areas for future employment: journalism, law, social work, local government, teaching, police, armed forces (Army, RAF, Navy), tourism, media